

Rashi - Graha - Samchara


Tula indriya-lagna Friendly and Non-Friendly Domain Rulerships

  1. Surya
  2. Chandra
  3. Kuja
  4. Budha
  5. Guru
  6. Shukra
  7. Shani
  8. [Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

  9. [Ketu]


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

OM sri ram dasrathaye namah

OM tatva niranjnaya tarakaramaya namaha

NavaGraha AdhiPati


AUM som somaya namah


Rulership Portfolio

measured from

lagna = ligne = line of



Thauli - Thula - Thulam

Zugos - Juka - Yugya

Vanika - Vaṇija - Baṇija





with Sacred Jewels general recommendation for Tula nativities



Chandra = karmesha -10

  • measured from Tula indriya-lagna, Tula-Chandra ,

    for purpose of evaluating partnerships, chandra's role can be measured from Tula - Vanika navamsha

Need vs Want

  • Chandra shows what one needsin order to feel calm well-being and contentedness.
  • Rāhushows what one wants, as ambition and desire.

Counted from Tula indriya lagna, chandra rules bhava-10 professional dignity and social authority.

needs [Chandra] to hold high-visibility executive positions in Karkata-related industries such as national defense, housing, shipping, pathways of transportation, education, real-estate, maintenance of folkways habits

For the Tula-born, regardless of Rahu's passionate wantingness, the baseline of the emotional truth is that Chandra NEEDS to carry public responsibilities.

Therefore it can be said that all Tula nativities are inherently professionalized. A Tula person lacking a dignified, publically respected career is an unhappy person.

The default career framework is Chandra-ized.

Examples include

  • nursing and caretaking
  • care for the needy
  • legal protection of children and the vulnerable
  • environmentalism, particularly for waters
  • parenting and home-keeping
  • policing and border defense
  • shelter and housing
  • ethnic rhythms and customs, including ways of worship
  • gardening, farming, and fishing
  • all varieties of schoolteaching except the highest levels of theory-based research work

Find Chandra's specific position to determine the characteristics of the meaningful and social recognized need to lead.


powerful Chandra-Shani interaction for Goverance

  • Germany Bundeskanzlerin 1954- Angela Merkel - Chandra-Makara - Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Chandra-4

  • AM entered German politics at her age 36, immediately following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. In 2005 (AM age 51) she was elected Chancellor, in which role AM served with worldwide approval.

  • Chandra in Śrāvaṇa indicates that her leadership style is based in Listening and carefully managing her reputation.

  • Chandra-4 (drishti into 10) ātmakāraka shows the ethno-national sensibility that anchors AM's stable, familiar, cultural normalcy as Bundeskanzlerin.

  • ++ Chandra activates kārakāmsha Karkata-10

  • 10th-from-Chandra = AM's Tula indriya-lagna, suggesting a career based in unique personal traits and appearance = containing [uchcha] yogakaraka Shani-1

  • Yogakaraka Shani-Tula

    [uchcha] -- [Śaśaka Yoga] occupies the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking; 10th-from-Chandra

Chandra gently role-models.

The leadership style is rarely dominating or punitive unless harsher graha occupy bhava-10 (or perhaps harsher graha in 10th-from-Chandra.)

Chandra = Leadership capabilities and Public Approval

Chandra activates bhava-10, granting a particularly intuitive understanding and ability for matters of governance roles, executive decision-making, social policy, rule-based systems, maintenance of the social order

Tula indriya-lagna nativities need [Chandra] to have a public, visible, recognized, professionalized, governance or regulatory role in their society.

Tula-born may devote great emotional healing energy to the tasks of parenting, school-teaching, care of the weak and vulnerable, protection of the ancestral cultural values of a people *if* their work is honored and a place of respect is provided for these sensitive natives.

Any bhava is workable for Tula's profession so long as a publicly recognized work space, executive powers, and a dignified title are conferred.

Even the dusthamsha positions of Chandra are workable for the Thula native. Thus, chandra-6 nevertheless occupies the wisdom-teaching 9th-from-10th. Chandra-8 nevertheless occupies the gainful 11th-from-10th. Chandra-12 occupies the communicative, messaging, evangelical 3rd-from-10th.

A foundational insight in the understanding of Tula nativities is to appreciate the emotional needs of karmesha -10 Chandra.

As karma-pati, chandra instills an emotional need for public dignity of Soma's habitually protective, stabilizing behaviors.

In order to feel stable, grounded, and rooted in life, one must receive respectful acknowledgement of the social importance of one's ________. This recognition should be provided by the elite levels of an institutional hierarchy. Professional recognition is required for emotional worth.

The content of ________ is determined by Chandra's bhava, rashi, and incoming drishti, as well as the gradually cycling relationships between Chandra and the current Mahadasha-pati.

For example,

  • Chandra-4 = respectful acknowledgement of protection of the root culture, land-and-vehicles ownership, school-teaching,
  • Chandra-6 = respectful acknowledgement of protection of the ill or disenfranchised, and all ministries of service
  • Chandra-12 = respectful acknowledgement of intuitive perception, privacy, invisibility, and protection of sanctuaries

Mahadasha of Chandra = Typically, aperiod of maximum professional recognition in social ordering , executive leadership and governance roles.

In a more domestic nativity, however,"leadership" may take the form of reliable and consistent parental role modeling within the family home or in local community role like schoolteaching or policing. The role for which one needs to be recognized does not have to be glamorous or high-titled; in fact, chandra prefers to move in the rhythm of the local environment.

Chandra karmesha -10 = natural capability to lead and govern , to make decisions which provide social order and lawfulness with special emphasis upon matters of

  • home and homeland, folkways customs and established cultural norms and ways one's people live upon the land, property ownership-stewardship , houses and schools, farms and fisheries, parenting and protection of the weak, physical-emotional security and groundedness in a fixed place.

  • Generally, the leadership style features parental qualities of protectiveness, emotional sensitivity, naurturing, and deeply rooted patriotism

Mahadasha of Chandra = era of the maximum public visibility

  • for a person with overall private and home-centered nativity, the 10 years of Chandra Mahadasha may signify an exceptionally strong engagement with public organizations such as church-temple, children's school, or charitable group

  • for a person with an overall public-service oriented nativity, in particular when karma-bhava contains leadership seeking, heightened responsibility -bearing graha, the Soma Mahadasha predicts 10 years of relentlessly high public exposure.

  • Factors of putra-bhava (bhava-5, lord of 5, 5th from Chandra, 5th and 11th navamsha, etc) predict fame

  • Factors of bhava 10 suggest public responsibilities, obligation to provide a lawful and reliable environment for social ordering - weighty effort but not glittering fame at all, unless the 10th bhava contains some very significant graha

  • Because Chandra = karmesha -10, each Chandra bhukti also brings executive decision-making responsibilities. Chandra confers the authority to influence the lives of others.

Double-trouble from Chandra:

+ Chandra karmesha -10 = shatru-enemy of lagnesha Shukra

+ Chandra karmesha -10 = shatru-enemy of Shani the natural 11th lord

For Tula, especially during the periods of Chandra, problematic persons and behaviors include

  • Mother, mother-figures, matriarchy, home owners and homeland defenders, patriotic actions and feelings, schools and schoolteachers, vehicles including boats and airplanes, marine environments, caretakers and nurturers, shelters and security

Chandra = karmesha -10 = Tula natives often develop career responsibilities associated with patriotism, schooling, sustenance of folkways, ethnic rhythms, pathways in the place of settlement, ancient customs, established cultural norms, national practices, home and homeland, shelter and protection, marine life and mother-child welfare.

  • More than any other rashi-lagna, tula indriya-lagna and to some extent Tula-Chandra indicate that the caretaking, parenting, the teaching of folk customs and established cultural norms, and other defensive-protective roles are parlayed out of the traditional home location and into higher visibility of professional, official, social-regulation duties.

  • Tula women typically undertake public careers.

Naturally, the specific details of Chandra can wield a powerful influence upon career (10).

Bhukti of Chandra may reflect the specific traits of that bhava-rashi environment which contains the impressionable, reflective karmesha -10 for Thular.

During periods of Chandra, the native occupies a highly visible rank or professional position that is instrumental in imposing an orderly environment in one's society.

  • The hierarchy upon which one holds a top-ranked status may range from a humble home to a great nation. Whatever the scope of the social order which one regulates, whether a parent in charge of children or the president of a nation, the period of Chandra will maximize the executive authority.

  • Depending on the nature of Chandra + karmesha -10 job description could range from president, prime minister, tribal chieftain, managing director, executive director, or executive supervisor to team captain, headmaster, schoolteacher or parent. The key feature of the 10th amsha is the requirement to make top-down decisions which influence those in one's hierarchical downstream.

The key factor = one becomes the locus of social regulation and one is authorized to apply various laws and policies to others. If Chandra is naturally strong in the nativity, one may be a police officer who issues " tickets " , ajudge who delivers sentences, aschoolteacher who marks grades, or a government official who gives approvals.

The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra activates bhava-10 for leadership responsibilities, prestige and public respect, and one's ability to create and manage an orderly environment in society. Chandra's condition will determine the quality of law-and-order as well as systematic promotion through the ranks of leadership within one's profession al lifer.

Mahadasha of Chandra indicates 10 years of parenting, protecting, sheltering, securing, and educating function.

Career leadership skill is dictated largely by the activator of 10th navamsha,. Motivation for choosing and maintaining a particular profession may be known via the bhava and rashi of Chandra. The relationship between ruler of the 10th navamsha and Chandra, evaluated within the radix, is also predictive.

Chandra can focus Tula's career upon

  • sheltering, vehicles (moving shelters) home-making,

  • protecting home and homeland

Periods of karmesha -10 Chandra may bring intensification of the need to acquire and maintain a dignified and respected social position.

The authority figures, bosses, and social leaders in life will tend to be women, beginning with mother and grandmother and continuing through female schoolteachers and well into the business environment.

For both genders, presuming Chandra is well-supported, many opportunities for leadership in this life are provided through basic caretaking and nurturing functions.

One may become CEO of a gigantic corporation which serves the needs of women and children; one may become a beloved school teacher or administrator serving parents and families; or one may be professionally associated with products of the ocean.

Depending on Chandra's house, female bosses will be either good or bad influences. Chandra in a dusthamsha gives trouble from women in positions of authority. In other bhava = generally a harmonious effect which allows one to balance parenting and professional responsibilities with good structurer.

Career, ability to Govern, creating an Orderly Environment

planetary patron of both 10th-from-kundali indriya-lagna , chandra is a supreme career graha for the Tula indriya-lagna native.

  • 10th-from- lagna = empathetic response to public responsibilities and leadership roles. The native is publicly perceived to be intuitive and emotionally responsive.

  • The success or failure of the response will be known from the character of the Earthen-Moon.

  • In chronological maturity (10), or during periods of Chandra, the career responsibilities become quite substantial, and Chandra is socially recognized.

Education, belongingness, and properties

as ruler of 7th-from-4th, Chandra is a provider of nurturing support in matters of education and property.

  • span 7th-from-4th = Tula forms advising and consulting relationships with teachers, parents, patriotic citizens, land owners, and other staunch members of the guardian class. Their advice is generally supportive, depending as always on the character of sensitive Chandra.

Vitality, social Personality and Physical Appearance

as planetary patron of both 10th-from-1st and 1st-from-10th, Chandra brings an innate leadership capability to Tula-1. One is born in a state of leadership to some degree, perhaps by being the eldest child, or gifted in school, or other early opportunities to assume executive roles.

  • 10th-from-1st = on the basis of one's own body and vitality, pursuit of social validation through decision-making positions. Recognition and enforcement of an orderly environment via the social personality.

Marriage, partnership; Peer and Advising Relationships as ruler of 4th-from-7th and 7th-from-4th, Chandra is a stabilizing, conservative and educational agent who brings the folk customs and established cultural norms of the spouse's people into public prominence.

  • 4th-from-7th = attention to ownership, lands and vehicles, education and sheltering within relationships, both intimate and professional.

family history, acquisition of Money and Knowledge

as planetary patron of 9th-from-2nd, Chandra generates wisdom and sacred teachings through the historic values lineage of the family history. Financially, chandra is a favorable graha.

  • 9th-from-2nd = on the basis of one's wealth, knowledge, and historic family lineage values-fulfillment , chandra bhukti bring Artha development (2 and 10 are both Artha bhava), vis-a-vis the family history and within the second marriage if any.

  • Acquisitive and hoarding behaviors are streamlined, so that the native acquires the best quality of material resources and importantly does not acquire things which are not needed. Religious knowledge is developed through Chandra, typically on an intuitive and very personalized basis. Yet, dogmatic teachings are also available and may be useful via Chandra's role as karmesha -10 and even strict orthodoxy is not rejected by permeable Soma.

Siblings, teamwork, communication, publications

as ruler of 8th-from-3rd And 3rd-from-8th, Chandra has a deleterious effect on sibling relationships, daily communications with the work-group, naarrative discourse, and publications for the Tula indriya-lagna native.

  • 8th-from-3rd =on the basis of sibling, small-group and team interactions, the native generates environments of sudden and catastrophic change. Minimal tolerance for mental boredom. Search for occult interpretation of the banal.

    Significant instability in administrative roles, where apparently simple and routine matters in the business office quickly become affected by hidden information. The communicative environment is permeated with innuendo and intrigue.

    Chandra may support the ritual habits needed for writing mystery novels. Chandra is definitely supporting the rhythms of occult understanding of the apparently mundane daily realities of life. Chandra is not supportive for tasks such as holding lower-level functionary jobs. In environments where communicative routine and protocol are paramount values, one may be perceived as a loose cannon, manipulative and emotionally unstable.

Children and Divine Creativity

as planetary patron of 6th-from-5thand 5th-from-6th, Chandra is a difficult influence upon children and expressions of divine intelligence and creativity. Chandra's strength in the Tula nativity is based in His ability to create orderly environments such as governments and institutional structures. Naturally, children and creative chaos hold an adversarial role in regard to the large, tightly regulated systems of karma-bhava.

  • 6 d-from-5th = on the basis of charisma, speculative intelligence, children, and royal entitlements, the native projects conflict and imbalance-seeking-a-remedy into the public management role. One with significant leadership or iconic recognition will typically choose to have very few children, and those few produced will (according to the character of Chandra) always be perceived as a conflict with other duties of career.

  • Periods of Chandra within the Tula nativity may signal illness, social imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, or debt for one's children. If Chandra is well-disposed, the debt is small and the illness is minor. (These pre-incarnationally planned events may be important learning curves for the children.)

  • Periods of Chandra also indicate exaggeration of the natural conflict between individuality and personal intelligence (5) vs. The public need for its iconic figures to conform to the law. Tula-1will typically be associated with lawful, highly regulated environments such as large corporations or government institutions during Chandra bhukti. There is much respect, but no divas Allowed.

Conflict, imbalance, disease-discomfort, debt

as ruler of 5th-from-6th and 6th-from-5th, Chandra provides the Tula indriya-lagna native with servants and employees who bring fortune and personal creativity in support of one's governing duties.

5th-from-6th = relationships with physicians, social workers, servants, employees, and members of the marginalized classes including refugees, criminals, the dispossessed, chronically ill and addicted persons, will form the basis of a creative strategy for leadership. One helps the underclass and is kind to animals. Appreciation and applause from the underserved classes may contribute to the native 's positive public reputation and empowerment to make decisions affecting the downstream.

Sudden, transformative Change

as planetary patron of both 3rd-from-8th + 8th-from-3rd, Chandra creates a mental fascination with occult information and secrets

which may eventually propel the native to write about magical and tantrik practices, tantrik healing traditions, and other hidden sources of knowledge.

Juxtaposition of 3-8 may be challenging because the mundane daily mentalized communication patterns (3) are bound to the transformative, exotic, magical patterns (8).

One may not be trusted by small work groups that bond through intensely repetitive and superficial routines. In severe cases (for example a nichha Chandra) one may be falsely accused of crimes or even tried for insanity, due to one's mental and verbal ability to pronounce the unseen

if the Moon is is especially difficult condition.

Normally there is a feeling of impatience when talking about the mundane. Chandra prefers deeply transformative conversation. Shocking information is not problematic and in fact is solicited.

Tula-1does well in professional roles where access to and processing of confidential information in part of the job..

  • 3rd-from-8th = publication or announcement of hidden, magical, tantrik, secret, or confidential materials. Interest in alchemy and magic. Gifted in the articulation of spells and curses, healing recipes and esoteric formulae. May have knowledge of superstitious practices and the ability to manipulate the fears of others, particularly one can stimulate and manipulate the human fear of change. Lifetime interest in occult knowledge. Methods and degree of publication of this information depend on the bhratru-pati-3 and randhresha-8 .

Wisdom Teachings and Teachers

Activator of 2nd-from-9th

Chandra brings saturation with religious and moral instruction received in the temple, expressed in the fulfillment of leadership which creates an orderly social environment..

  • 2nd-from-9th2nd-from-9th = on the basis of wisdom teaching acquired from childhood, tula-1is aware of the principles of orderly social relation. and the philosophy of law. Through iconic public roles and large scale role-modeling, tula-1 manifests sacred teachings through public service in executive and law-issuing capacity.

  • Financially, chandra = 2nd-from-9th and 9th-from-2nd . As 2nd-from-9th, soma indicates savings and hoards derived from university education, temple teachings, world travel, and one's own father. As 9th-from-2nd, family affluence and values forms the basis of the child's religious education. If Chandra is well-disposed, tula-1 eceives a very good religious and moral upbringing.

    Vimshottari bhukti of Chandra can signal the dematerialization (2) of the father (9) In practice, it is more likely that 2nd-from-Surya or 7th-from-Surya has agency of timing the father's decease.

Networks of Friendship, Goals Achievement, and Gains of Income

as planetary patron off 12th-from-11th, Chandra dissolves the larger network of social and conceptual associations, exhausts the resources available to develop new connections, and drains away the income.

Naturally, the time demands of high-profile social leadership roles (e.g., president of a nation, manager of a business) are enormous. One may be deprived of the time or energy that would be needed to develop one's own presence in the marketplace of goods and ideas..

  • 12th-from-11th= on the basis of membership in established social and conceptual networks, the native takes positions of power which are less distributed across the larger group (11) and more concentrated in the hands of the smaller executive elite (10). Taking iconic and exclusive social regulatory positions deprives the native of one's freedom to mix and mingle socially.

    Top leadership positions are highly constrained. One's every thought, purchase, or conversation are tightly managed by the protocols of leadership. During the period of holding directive rank, the native will not be free to socialize in an egalitarian style and frequently will not earn much income. Prestige, yes. Prestige as a basis for future gains of income, yes. However, during periods of karmesha -10 , one's relationship to the marketplace is dissolved, and financial income is flat or drops.

Spirit Guides, dreams, prayer, and Sanctuary LifeSpirit Guides, dreams, prayer, and Sanctuary Life as ruler off 11th-from-12th

and 12th-from-11th, Calming Chandra generates gain (11) from intuition and psychic perception (12). Natives in positions of social responsibility often do not have the leisure to long reflect or delay their decisions until a complete set of rational information is available.Chandra generates gain (11) from intuition and psychic perception (12). Natives in positions of social responsibility often do not have the leisure to long reflect or delay their decisions until a complete set of rational information is available. A good deal of trust is publicly invested in the native 's character and personal judgment, and decisions must frequently be made on an intuitive basis. The fruits (11) of one's dreams and intuitive pattern-recognition skills are manifest through Chandra, and these will blossom to the fullest extent during major Vimshottari periods of the Moon..

  • 11th-from-12th = eruptive, forced changes in the astral world of dreams and intuitive perceptions. Hidden information emerges regarding foreign lands and matters of the private bedroom. Sudden breakthrough in meditation or reflective prayer.

Mother Matrikaraka Chandra == karma-pati

  1. [Chandra in bhava-1]

  2. [Chandra in bhava-2]

  3. [Chandra in bhava-3]

  4. [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]

  5. [Chandra in bhava-5]

  6. [Chandra in bhava-6]

  7. [Chandra in bhava-7]

  8. [Chandra in bhava-8]

  9. [Chandra in bhava-9]

  10. [Chandra in bhava-10]

  11. [Chandra in bhava-11]

  12. [Chandra in bhava-12]

Soma activates bhava-10 visibility, suggesting that one's own mother typically enjoys a visible public career or she is a significant actor in realms of public life.

Details of her profession may be found in the bhava and other characteristics of Chandra. In general, this working mother has a significant relationship to the larger institutions and social-ordering structures which lie outside her roles within the family.

Mom is the first role model in the Tula-born developing professional identity. Typically, one's own career follows similar patterns to the mother's.

Chandra in bhava-1 Tulā Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 4th-from-10 = leadership roles based in ethno-cultural habits, patriotism, calming home-roots. Lagnesha Shukra = shatru--adversarial toward Chandra karmesha.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected iconic role
  • mom a be a promoter of vitality, agent of birth, forward-mover, engineer
  • Often the mother's primary purpose in society is to promote the native to positions of social recognition.
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for physical caretaking, intuitive energizer
  • emotionally responsive decision-maker concerned with cultural ethics
  • feelings-based approach toward social justice can allow local morality [Chandra] to confuse the leadership command
  • stabilized via competitive, invasive, direct action
  • often a dignified personality with a uniquely familiar appearance
Chandra-Tula-1 is most comfortable when ensconced in kinesthetic environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized leadership roles in housing, welfare, protection of bodies. Soothing director in settings that protect the social order, support fleshly life, advance the identity through culturally grounded governance..

Chandra inn bhava-2

Vṛścika (nichha) Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 5th-from-10 . Professional family-lineage roles = parental, protective, intrusive due to [nīcha] amsha, sponsoring family politics, creativity, fashion, gambling, display of wealth-based entitlements

dhana-pati Mangala = friendly toward Chandra karmesha..

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected heritage role
  • dignified traditional mom, vindictive, yet often the center of the family
  • mom may be a banker, singer, reciter of ancient poems, lineage-preserver, collector, librarian, memorizer, geneticist, breeder
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for asset sheltering, feeling for sound-and-color, familiar language use, socially approved parenting values
  • emotionally responsive decision-maker concerned with continuity of ancestral cultural ethics
  • stabilized via iconic roles in treasury collection, knowledge of history, preservation of family memories
Chandra-Vṛścika-2 is most comfortable when ensconced in financial environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized leadership roles in storage, evaluation, historic preservation, family lineage enrichment. Soothing director in settings that protect the family while maintaining social respectability and asset-based privilege.

Chandra in bhava-3 Dhanus Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 6/8-from-10 . Professional management roles = parental, inspirational approach to prominent media-messaging responsibilities

Sahaja-pati Guru = adversarial toward Chandra karmesha..

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected commercial role
  • dignified process-manager mom may be a caring, intuitive shopkeeper, reporter, announcer, clerk, manufacturer
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for sensitive explanations, discussions, transactions
  • emotionally responsive decision-maker in detailed, descriptive, mentalized environments such as daily talking, conversations with neighbors, corporate evangelism
  • may be patronizing
  • stabilized via authoritative roles in business, communications, handcraft
Chandra-Dhanus-3 is most comfortable when ensconced in cooperative group environments that are visible, executive, honored.

Generally the 6/8 angle indicates a tense, conflicted pathway for publicly recognized leadership roles in teamwork, ensemble, interactive dialogue. Soothing director in settings that protect the team, despite imbalanced power applied by top leadership.


As with any 6/8 planetary angle, one benefits from willingness to apply two different and incommensurable viewpoints to two different sets of circumstances, along with the skill to identify which of the two misaligned environments is currently activated.

Chandra inn bhava-4

Makara Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 7th-from-10th. Professional peer-leader roles = parental, institutional approach to patriotic stewardship responsibilities

Bandhu-pati Shani = adversarial toward Chandra karmesha..

  • socially responsible mom holds an ethnically respected, domestic role
  • dignified home-based mom may be a caring, intuitive school-teacher, police officer, in real estate, housing, vehicles work
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for sensitive executive handling of folkways, ancient rhythms, property ownership-stewardship , citizenship, rules governing land usage
  • emotionally responsive decision-maker in the place of settlement
  • stabilized via authoritative roles in property regulation, pathways of transportation, schooling, borders and immigration
Chandra-Makara-4 is most comfortable when ensconced in local environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, balanced pathway for publicly recognized peer-leadership roles in national defense, farming, elder care, shelters, licensing. Soothing director in settings that protect the land, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the seasonal flow of life.

Chandra in bhava-5

Kumbha Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 6/8th-from-10 = professional secret-keeping, transformational politically urgent roles

Vidya-pati Shani = shatru-adversarial toward Chandra karmesha.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected center-stage role
  • mom may be entertainer, scholar, teacher of gifted children, game-player, creative artist

  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition

personal reputation for political caretaking, intuitive response to 6/8 imbalanced power arrangements
  • sensitive decision-maker in times of crisis
  • feels grounded via sudden changes, threat, upheaval, new identities

Chandra-Kumbha-5 is most comfortable when ensconced in entitled, bright environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally an emotionally charged pathway for publicly recognized intelligence roles. Soothing director in literary drama, independent scholarship, expressions of genius, fashion, performing arts, glitterati, celebrity, games.

Generally the 6/8 angle indicates a tense, conflicted pathway for publicly recognized leadership roles in environments of fame, politics, drama, children, genius, fashion, glitter, sparkle, intelligence. Soothing director in settings that protect the political entitlements, despite imbalanced power applied by top leadership.


As with any 6/8 planetary angle, one benefits from willingness to apply two different and incommensurable viewpoints to two different sets of circumstances, along with the skill to identify which of the two misaligned environments is currently activated.

Chandra in bhava-6 Meena Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 9th-from-10 = professional philosophical teaching-preaching.

Ripu-pati Guru is friendly toward Chandra karmesha.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected service role
  • mom may be nurse, social-worker, spiritual guide for the sick or injured

  • mom house-servant, clinical medicine, health sciences, military, social work, human services ministry

  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition

personal reputation for inspirational caretaking, intuitive remedies
  • wise decision-maker in times of conflict and stress
  • high-placed aide in guidance role, yet viewed with suspicion
  • feels grounded via broad-scope envisioning

  • often a quiet teacher of bosses and leaders

Chandra-Meena-6 is most comfortable when ensconced in service environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized guidance roles. Soothing director in medical arts, master-teacher, human services leadership, authority on clairsentience or private prayer.

Chandra- 6 Meena for Tula indriya-lagna

  • Chandra in 6 for Tula indriya-lagna may dislike one's job (10), be professionally underappreciated or disliked, be argumentative in the professional discourse, and move from one exploitive workplace to the next, until age 50.

  • (The salary or other income is not affected by karmesha -10 but is controlled by Vriddhi-pati-11 Surya; being disliked or mistrusted one may still earn well if Surya is strong)

  • After age 50, the Chandra Lagna gains superior strength, and from the Chandra Lagna, the Moon occupies the horizon. After age 50, the bhava occupied by Chandra as counted from the lagna becomes increasingly less important.

  • Chandra becomes lagnesha-1 in 1 after age 50, and the career difficulties posed by natal karmesha -10 in 6 will be washed away by the tides of time. planned misalignments requiring realignment attention may have unfolded and the required attention was devoted to re-establishing balance. Job done.

[Chandra in bhava-7] Mesha Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 10th-from-10. Professional broker, counselor, attorney, adviser, partner.

Yuvati-pati Mangala is friendly toward Chandra karmesha. Empowered career in emotionally engaged pursuit of contracts, settlements, arrangements.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected adviser or match-maker role
  • mom may be attorney, negotiator, broker, yenta
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for dynamic deal-making
  • executive decision-maker in polarized situations
  • feels grounded in caring, parental style of elite alliance
  • sensitive to rank, status, position

Chandra-Mesha-7 is most comfortable when ensconced in lawful environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized bargaining roles. Career in competitive balancing, innovative agreements - emotionally attuned pairing, partnerships, forming and maintaining peer-to-peer social relationships, contracts, equities

Chandra in bhava-8

Urisha Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 11th-from-10. Professional networker. Leadership roles are gainful.

Randhra-pati Shukra = shatru toward Chandra karmesha. Uneasy position.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected values-conserving role
  • despite public dignity, she masks a traumatic past
  • mom may be a history teacher, database manager controlling confidential information, revolutionary orator, protector of hidden family assets
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for secretly protecting cultural assets
  • executive roles in hidden financial storage, confidential beautification surgeries, camouflaged trade in liquors or perfumes
  • volatile decision-maker in times of upheaval or threat
  • feels grounded via verbalized emotionalized cataclysm
  • sudden, unexpected identity shift
  • often a mysterious agent of historical change

Chandra-Urisha-8 is most comfortable when ensconced in emergency environments that are visible, executive, honored. Leadership profile defined by cultural values, secret passions. Generally a sensitive ethno-cultural pathway for publicly recognized transformative roles. Known for volatile oratory, sensual style of leadership.

[Chandra in bhava-9] Mithuna Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 12th-from-10. Professional communicator about interiority and private spiritual experience.

dharmesha Budha = shatru adversarial toward Chandra karmesha. Uneasy placement.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected guidance role
  • mom may be preacher, ethical philosopher, writer-publisher of sacred discourse, study-group leader
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for inspirational dialog, dignified doctrinal discourse wise decision-maker in priestly or professorial settings
  • media-messenger on sacred or cosmological topics
  • feels grounded via broad-scope information delivery
  • often involved in publishing of philosophy, theology, principled inquiry into interior wisdom

Chandra-Mithuna-9 is most comfortable when ensconced in professing environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for public guidance roles. Soothing director in university, religious congregation, sangha, public policy for global organizations.

[Chandra in bhava-10] Karkata Karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 1st-from-10 = regulatory personality, emotionally responsive, culturally-informed authority, need to lead.

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected public role
  • mom may be director, decision-maker, boss with culturally safe, parental style
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for sensitive organizational caretaking, concern for welfare of all within the pyramid
  • public environmentalism
  • familiar-face in high-visibility settings

  • feels grounded via sheltering, nourishing, soothing roles in elite structures
  • often involved in protecting the nation or caretaking of governance figures

Chandra-karmesha -10 is most comfortable when ensconced in high-status ranks that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for privileged shepherding, schooling roles. Soothing director-level profile in lawful, regulatory, ethno-culturally responsive command positions.
  • Bello Gallico 100-44 BCE Julius Caesar + [Surya-yuti-Shukra] * his mother hailed from an elite Roman family. Her domestic conduct was widely praised. Mom's diligent support aided in JC's promotion to Emperor

[Chandra in bhava-11] Simha karmesha

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 2nd-from-10 = professional resource conservation. Labha-patii Surya = friendly toward Chandra karmesha..

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected socialite-organizer role
  • mom may be community activist, economic connector, or agent of commonwealth

  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for friendly caretaking, intuitive financial networking
  • sensitive decision-maker in marketplace and assembly
  • feels grounded via earning
  • often a highly-placed entitled personality, such as politician, royalty-celebrity, or entertainer
Chandra-Simha-11 is most comfortable when ensconced in profitable environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized wealth-connected roles. Soothing, emotionally responsive director in social-participation schemes, awards for achievement, goal-setting, rallies, assemblies, fundraising.

[Chandra in bhava-12] Kanya karmesha

Karmesha Chandra occupies vyayasthāna-12. Careers in meditation, contemplative inspiration, contemplation, research, private enclosures, distant worlds, dormitories, retreat environments, invisibility, clandestine operations, clairsentience, divination.

Comfortable and calm in foreign lands. Career may be international in focus or headquartered in a distant place.

Chandra activator of 10 + Chandra occupies 3rd-from-10 = professional writing. vyaya-pati Budha is shatru-adversarial toward Chandra karmesha..

  • socially responsible mom holds a respected sanctuary role
  • mom may be a dreamworld-figure, ministering from locales that are invisible, withdrawn
  • mother's career in hospitals, enclosures, camps, monasteries, studio seclusion, fantasies, foreign lands
  • both parents career-focused, need social recognition
personal reputation for spiritual caretaking, intuitive prescriber
  • sensitive decision-maker in curtained cloister
  • feels grounded via imaginative argumentation, research quietude
  • often a dignified clairsentient personality, such as a psychic minister
Chandra-Kanya-12 is most comfortable when ensconced in enclosed environments that are visible, executive, honored. Generally a smooth, sensitive pathway for publicly recognized private-guidance roles. Soothing, emotionally responsive director in spiritual service, hermitage, meditation instruction, foreign missions.

Sacred Jewels for Chandra

Mukta = moti, pure natural Pearl for Tula indriya-lagna

QUOTATION d. G. S. Kapoor. (1994).. Gems and Astrologyy. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi . p. 93.

" For the Libra Ascendant, moon rules 10th house.

Moon is not a friend of Venus, the lord of the Ascendant, but wearing of a Pearl for the natives ascendant brings them name, fame, honours, advancement in sign career and wealth

And particularly if the Moon is in his own sign in the 10th, when it gives rise to a powerful Raja Yoga.

The results will be more pronounced if the Pearl is worn in the major period of Moon.

If Moon is not auspiciously disposed or is afflicted by aspect or conjunction, causing obstruction in the advancement of profession or career, pearl is the gem stone to remove such evil effects. It will also give proper equilibrium to the mind."


[How Readings Work]Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation - Seva

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