Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha |
AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah Learning Pathway of Relationships Lifepartner
and Qualities 7th-from marriage patterns Comforted-by-conventions Chandra-10 personalities = publicly visible, hierarchical, orderly, responsible, socially regulating and institutionally-oriented Chandra-10 = emotionally attuned to narratives of social duty , seniority, leadership, and executive authority to make decisions on behalf of those in the lower levels of the hierarchy . Chandra-10 tends to seek the companionship of a 4-ish partner who has a foundational, sheltering, caretaking, parental, environmentalist, grounded, rhythmic, home-based lifestyle.
LifeMate-1 (if any) = bhava-4 Chandra in 10 = fundamentally a leadership-oriented person who feels most comfortable in high-visibility public or symbolic roles. Conditions of the first life-union typically follow the narrative of bhava-4 environments that are secure, grounded, educational, safe, protected, and similar to the childhood-home. The first life-partner may be emotionally apprehended as an agent of parenting, house-holding, sheltering, schooling, ethnic roots, familiar rhythms, and cultural foundations. MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations [7th-from-Chandra-10] generally expects the marriage partner to provide social stability, security, shelter, and schooling. Chandra-10 finds in the lifemate
The 4-ish-partner
a localist, often parochial in perspective
who supports the welfare of the local elemental spirits From the Soma-10 perspective, the primary role of the spouse (4) is parenting, house-holding, and maintaining the basis of the lifestyle. Chandra-10 is broadly expecting the lifemate-4 to replicate the childhood household and continue the rhythmic routines of Chandra-10's parents. The lifemate therefore would significantly re-generate the pulse of one's own parents in their behavior as a householding pair. 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra = [12th-from-Chandra]
constitutional challenges within the union for Chandra-10 may include
within the first lifepartnership [12th-from-Chandra] = predisposition toward accusation, disappointment, disagreement, or distrust
If there are misalignments of expectation in this marriage, profile detail regarding the spouse's mental or behavioral imbalances may be garnered from examination of the 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra = [12th-from-Chandra] . For Chandra-10 the contentious bhava which is distinctively adversarial to the well-being of the spouse = dharma-bhava-9 =
Depending on the nature of any graha located in bhava-9, there is likely to be disagreement within the union on matters such as one's own father and father-figures, one's own approach toward the expectations of fatherhood, one's own philosophical or theological convictions, and other issues related to doctrine and indoctrinators. Occasionally there may be significant mismatch between the lifepartner and one's own father.
Life-Mate brings forth emotional content of bandhu-bhava-4. Chandra-10 marries a spouse deeply rooted into the basis of one's childhood ethnic culture. Barring polarizing catalysis in bhava-4, the spouse is a protective environmentalist, gardener, kitchen-loving, customary, and sheltering. Even if there are required events of polarizing catalysis in this generally stable union, it may be difficult to exit this arrangement due to the strength of roots which bind = bandhu bhava-4 often with extra binding from the one's mother . It could be said that one born with a high level of public visibility and the need to take iconic positions is essentially getting married to obtain a housekeeper and parent for raising one's children. Graha in 4 can help to determine the details of a complex marriage history.
If there are no challenging graha in bhava-4, following the marriage, every success may be expected in establishing a supportive home life. LifeMate-1 maintains a comfortable routine in the dwelling. LifeMate-1 (if any) establishes the foundation of the household, anchors the family, and is respected *within* the household (not necessarily in the broader society) due to the dignity granted by the native to this important partner = 10th-from-7th.
If graha in 7th-from-Chandra are particularly strong, distinguished support emits from the home base via the capabilities of the home-protecting spouse. Naturally, bhava-4 must be well-disposed for the positive auspice to yield material fruits.
Example of disruption in bhava-4 * Ketu + [nīcha-- Surya-yuti-Budha] exchange [nīcha] Shukra
For [Chandra-10] , whatever is occurring in bhava-4 will be mirrored by both the mother and the schoolteachers(bhava-4) and the first life-partner (7th-from-Chandra-10). 7th-from-Chandra suggests a marriage in which the spouse behaves in traditional ways, is security-oriented, and is rooted in the home culture. The native meanwhile is more involved with public duties and leadership roles.
A traditional division of marital labor, with mother being the home parent and father engaged in public life, is well supported for a masculine nativity with Somana-10. Whether male or female, the native may prefer their partner to be the primary parent, and be more comfortable in the role of the public " face" of the marriage with a spouse who works quietly at home. The spousal preference, indicated through Bhava-4, emphasizes domestic qualities and seeks security . This guardian spouse may display deeply rooted patriotism and nesting behaviors.
Spouse is involved with property and vehicle Ownership , the ethical indoctrination level of education which provides cultural manners, diplomas, and licensing; and defense of the homeland. One's emotional relationship to the spouse strongly resembles one's emotional action-reaction toward one's mother (whether the spouse is male or female). The spouse is an important part of one's experience of deep ethno-cultural roots , emotional security, and a sense of belonging to a people and a place. Psychic Precursors First marriage is emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 7th-from-10th = bhava-4:
Natural adversaries of LifeMate-1 bhava-4 * one's father-guru and one's friends The shad-ashtaka karaka for sukha-bhava-4
The karaka role-players of 9 and 11 can be expected to behave less comfortably toward the life-mate. LifeMate-1 may look toward one's father and principles of doctrine as enemies. Bhava-9 = 6th-from-7th-from-Chandra-10 * accuser or enemy of LifeMate-1 . Bhava-9 = also [12th-from-Chandra] -10 indicating a drain upon one's public reputation and respect. Thus the father, the guru, the professor, the preacher, and the tenets of one's belief system whether religious or ideological become energy drains upon both one's public standing and the stability of LifeMate-1 (4). The animosity of the routinized, security-seeking LifeMate-1 toward one's globalism can increase Chandra-10's existing proclivity to respond to spousal criticism by re-philosophizing their doctrine, beliefs and worldview. Naturally, the conflict scenario becomes more exaggerated if there are strong graha residing in bhava-9. Denizens of bhava-11 * 8th-from-4th such as elder siblings, friends, and situations of economic participation, can also exhibit an unexpectedly transformative, eruptive, or upheaving effect upon the LifeMate-1 . Whereas spouse-1 may criticize one's father, guru, or professor as being adversarial to the home-stabilizing interests of spouse-1; indeed the elder sibling, friends, or economic networks may criticize spouse-1 as adversarial to their economic and social interest in having the native participate more fully in community networks. Naturally, the scenario becomes more dramatic if there are strong graha residing in bhava-11. If there is a second marriage, the second spouse (11) sees the first spouse (4) as an enemy because LifeMate-1 -bhava-4 = 6th-from-bhava-11. |
Additional spousal characteristics derived from the rashi of 7th-from-Chandra-10 * bhava-4 Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Mesha]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Shukra-ruled Tula - Vanika traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Mangala-ruled Vṛścika - Thriketta traits, such as
and a preference for ongoing transformation within relationships - perhaps at the cost of knowledge containment or financial valuation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE Jungle Book 1865-1936 Empire Rudyard Kipling [entitled-displaying Mrigashira-1] [mulatrikona]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Mithuna]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Dhanus - Haya traits such as
Supplementing the qualities of the union, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native and the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From busy Budha's perspective, the great benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Budha-ruled-Chandra usually feels neutral therefore toward Brihaspati's territories. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a more-than-annoying shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope comforts of the Dhanus-defined lifepartner who needs global humanism and a philosophical view may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Mithuna native who feels soothed by planning activities, technical details, and office chat. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Karkata]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Shani-ruled Makara - Draco traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE POTUS-pair-04 hostess 1768-1849 Dolley Payne Madison [diplomatic-arranging Pushya-3]
EXAMPLE On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [community-connected Aśleṣa-3] [ātmakāraka] [10, public recognition, familiar-face]
EXAMPLE Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [community-connected Aśleṣa-3][10, public recognition, familiar-face]
EXAMPLE Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver [transformative-exploratory Pushya-4]
EXAMPLE China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong [ideological-dogmatic Aśleṣa-1] [10, commanding position, institutional leadership]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Simha]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Kumbha - Ghata traits such as friendliness, orientation to large social assemblies (such as rallies and parties) preference for economic gainfulness within relationships. Often impacted by the natural animosity of Shani-vs-Surya within the marital union, Chandra-Simha prefers bright intelligence, politics, drama, special exceptions, and center-stage roles, However, soberly serious Shani imposes lawful austerity in 4 = education, housing, infrastructure, cultural foundations. Shani wants a regulated system, has little tolerance for exceptions, entitlements, individual foibles, or special bright lights. Chandra-10's lifepartner represented by Surya's arch-enemy Shani = a work functionary identified with establishment of local order. Surya-ruled Chandra-10 = often the center of attention in public iconic or regulatory environments such as governance, directing, and executive authority-roles. This pairing often supports regal-political couples, with the 10-partner entertaining and leading while the4-partner focuses on economically [Kumbha] oriented home support. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Magha - Regulus] [Chandra-10] POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland [inventive-pioneering Magha-1] [10, leadership] [Budha-yuti-Shukra-4] shows two marriages.
EXAMPLE [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Magha - Regulus] [Chandra-10] [Magha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Magha] POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft [Magha-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Magha]
EXAMPLE UK-PM Path to Power 1925-2013 Margaret Thatcher [collaborative, team-talking Magha-3] [10, governance]
EXAMPLE UK-Princess Royal 1950- equestrienne Anne Windsor Laurence [secretive-disguising Pūrvaphalgunī-4] + [Yoni-Budha-yuti-Shani-Yoni] [Chandra-10 parivartamsha Surya-9]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Kanya]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Meena - Antya traits such as
Add to the experience, the unequal, naturally fraught relationship between the Budha-ruled native and the Brihaspati-ruled lifepartner. From Budha's perspective, benevolent Brihaspati = a sama-graha neutral party. Kanya-born feels neutral therefore toward the Meena partner. However, from Guru's perspective, busy-mind Budha is a shatru-graha enemy. The wide-scope of the Meena-defined lifepartner seeks comfort in intuitive awareness and a compassionate view. Meena folk may be less compatible with the narrow-scope comforts of the Kanya partner who feels soothed by argumentative details and complaint. LifeMate-1 = visionary, imaginative, clairsentient, and seeking seclusion in a home-based lifestyle. LifeMate-1 's primary identity is grounded through the cultural roots of the birth folk, home and homeland. Chandra-Kanya by contrast = a public personality well-known and generally respected for a ministry of service in leadership approached via the application of craft and technique. Usually an easy partnership in which the traditional division of labor is comfortable and established. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Tula]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Mangala-ruled Mesha - Aja traits such asinventiveness, impatience, and a preference for action rather than words within relationships. LifeMate-1 = muscularly vital, inventive, competitive, energetic, kinesthetic, pioneering, and seeking championship through engagement with the primal propulsive force. The life-partner tends to be identified with matters of home-culture and folk rhythms. Mesha-4 = often a home-based parent, property owner, schoolteacher, policing agent, boundary-defender, or farmer. Tula-Chandra-10's primary identity is grounded through elite positions atop social pyramids. The emotional energy is focused into public leadership, executive decision-making, and iconic recognizable roles. This couple may complement each other if a clear division of labor is articulated. Usually, the Mesha-4-partner prefers local-scale operations of home-based parenting and farming, while Tula-Chandra-10 prefers to abide in elite ranks of large organizations. Typically, these two domains do not overlap. Living in separate worlds, the pair may maintain a public facade of respectability without needing much interaction. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
In addition to the environmentalist, parental, and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Vrishabha - Urisha electro-magnetic traits such as artistic sensuality, acquisitiveness and a preference for luxury wealth within relationships. Urisha = sense-pleasuring, collecting, hoarding-and-herding, collector, breeder, warehouser, librarian, storage, focused upon containment of lineage and values-fulfillment. Vrishabha often has a beautiful voice and face. Urisha-4 = often a home-based parent, agriculturalist, schoolteacher, or values-protecting guardian such as police. Bhava-4 identity is grounded through the security and rhythms of the house, the local seasonal cycles, sensually pleasing meals, and protection of the values of the place of settlement. Chandra-Ketta-10 emotional energy is directed into high-recognition roles in the mode of the " familiar face" . Typically a socially respected and dutiful person, chandra-10 offers iconic representation and leadership in a gentle, parental, familiar style. Chandra-Ketta-10 needs to be present in socially symbolic settings. This couple may complement each other if a clear division of labor is articulated, with the Urisha-4 partner preferring a home-based lifestyle while the Chandra-Ketta-10 inhabits the public sphere. Candescent [nīcha] Chandra activates bhava-6 indicating personal emotional imbalance and victim-identity. This yoga may translate into a stream of high-profile lawsuits alleging unfair treatment. It is wise to anticipate some moodiness and discontent arising from an incessant, rhythmically undulating urge toward self-transformation. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. Placement of Shukra is key.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Dhanus]
Often issues with spousal immaturity and chattiness. Check condition of Budha In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Mithuna - Dvamdva traits such as
Mithuna = a merchant, businessperson, announcer, communicator, administrator, writer, publisher, explainer. Mithuna-4 = identified with a shelter, fencing, stability, patriotism, cultural roots, housing, and agriculture. Mithuna-4 takes a management approach to matters of homelife, housekeeping, nourishing others, observance of seasonal festivals, foundational schooling, and ethnic boundary defense. The Mithuna Mate also adds a sibling-skill of cooperative verbal expression [Mithuna] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases collaborative discussion and teamwork within the alliance. Dhanus-Chandra = often focused upon matters of theory, belief, or higher understanding, albeit the perspective is emotional not intellectual. A global humanist, chandra-Dhanus needs to develop a large scale viewpoint that is integrated with Somana's routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. As the ruler of bhava-5, chandra-10 identifies with political spectacle, brilliant expression, genius, and games. Chandra-10 finds comfort in high-visibility roles and responsible social positions. Dhanus-Chandra-10 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking leadership practice. Mithuna-4's skilled communication regarding home and homeland may combine with Dhanus-Chandra-10's emotional need for social authority. The mate tends to be talkative (Mithuna) + a schoolteacher, police-officer, or guardian of the land (4). The union is often focused on the lifepartner's need for a stable and grounded home (4) while Chandra-10 takes a more public, socially recognized, decision-making role (10). Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome.
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4 , include Karkata - Kadaga traits such as
Double-4 for this LifeMate-1 suggests a distinctively grounded, home-based, shelter-seeking personality who might dislike public roles but who nevertheless can support their significant-Other's public career. Karkata = householder, defender, gardener, parent, caretaker, environmentalist, steward of the land. 4 = home, homeland, parenting roles. Karkata-4 takes a protective approach toward matters of settlement, ethno-nationalism, tribalism, boundaries, seasonal rhythms, worship of the ancestral deities, home-culture, folk rhythms.. The Karkata Mate also adds a security-and stability orientation [Karkata] into the partnership energy reserves, which eases co-parenting and property ownership-stewardship within the union. Makara-Chandra = often focused upon matters of social-status, lawful order, and hierarchies, albeit the concern is emotional not intellectual. Comfortable in roles = elite positions atop ranking pyramids, such as regulator, governor, legalist, status-upholder, order-imposer, director, chandra-Makara needs dignified social achievement integrated with Somana's soft, routinized, localized, customary sensitivities. As bandesha-4, chandra = emotionally attuned to the world of householding, farming, and defense of the ethno-cultural routines. Makara-Chandra-10 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking corporate-or-institutional practice. Karkata-4's habitual orientation to schooling and continuity-of-culture may combine with Makara-Chandra-10's emotional need for recognized social position. Karkata-4 tends to be parentally protective + agricultural, tidal, perpetuator of soothing routines. The union is often focused on Karkata-4's need for foundational, seasonal grounding, while Chandra-10-Makara often takes a familiar public, executive post. This couple may complement each other if a clear division of labor is articulated, with 4-partner preferring small-scale operations of home-based parenting while 10-native prefers large-scale operations of organizational pyramids. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE
EXAMPLE Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [political-dramatic Dhaniṣṭha-1] [10, corporate executive, commanding position]
EXAMPLE POTUS-28 The State 1856-1924 Woodrow Wilson [governing-regulatory Uttarāṣāḍha-2] + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Dhaniṣṭha-uchcha] [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Dhaniṣṭha]
Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Kumbha]
Intimate partnerships that operate emotionally on the Simha-Kumbha axis can be intensely oppositional. They must contend with the mutually incompatible shatru-graha agendas =
Due to this pattern-clash, combined with Chandra ruling 6th-from-Chandra, Kumbha-Chandra nativities may experience growth-challenges in the realm of agreements, trusts and treaties, and alliances. In childhood, the Chandra-Kumbha partner may have been expected to display community networking skills, economic pragmatism, and sensitivity to the needs of the group. The Simha partner may have been the adored jewel of their parents' or grandparents' eye (Simha adored) to whom the group served mainly as their audience. In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist, and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, Simha - Leya emotional traits such as
The Simha Mate = a brightly charismatic, politically intelligent personality. Find one's own placement of Surya to help determine the mate's level of radiant confidence. Kumbha-Chandra = often focused upon matters of collectivity, economics, and social distribution systems, albeit the concern is emotional not intellectual. Kumbha-Chandra = comfortable in roles such as community activist, large-group events coordinator, and fundraiser. Ghata-Chandra = needs friendly connection and social networking to be integrated with Somana's soft, routinized, localized, customary rhythms As ruler of 3, chandra = emotionally attuned to the world of business and teamwork. Albeit, matters of 3 such as administration and reporting are often fraught due to sahaja-bhava-3-Karkata = 6th--from-10. Kumbha-Chandra-10 may anchor oneself within a security-seeking corporate-or-institutional practice, often in a management role. Yet teamwork can be frustrating, and one may feel grumpy about that. Simha-4's habitual orientation to schooling and continuity-of-culture may combine with Kumbha-Chandra-10's emotional need for recognized social position. The union is often focused on Simha-4's need to maintain an admired home life, while Chandra-10-Kumbha often takes a public, executive post focused on earnings that fund a showcase home. The relative strengths of Surya-and-Shani should be consulted. LifeMate-1 may be found in the hometown area. This pairing can support high visibility, two-person-career, corporate marriages which require one partner to do most of the career-building entertaining and social outreach. Both partners require significant independence and time apart. The mate is typically a householder parent or educator, while the native may become a symbolic public figure in a populist context. Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE = bandesha Surya-Makara-9
EXAMPLE bandesha Surya-Mesha-12 [Kuja-yuti-Budha] -- [Surya-yuti-Rahu]
EXAMPLE Learning Pathway Lifepartner-1 for [Chandra-10] + [Chandra-Meena]
Budha-ruled amsha may have partnering challenges due to spousal immaturity [adolescent viewpoint] and grievance narrative [complaining]. Check condition of Budha. In addition to the anchoring, stabilizing, foundational, environmentalist and patriotic sensitivities of bhava-4, include Kanya - Parthya traits such as
Naturally, graha residing in bhava-4 + bhava-10 can significantly influence the outcome. EXAMPLE Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [optimistic-ideological Revatī-Pashu-1] + [Revatī-Somana-yuti-Surya-Revatī] [Revatī-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Revatī] ++ + [Pegasus-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Varuna]
EXAMPLE Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [disguising-discovering Andromeda-4]
Life-Mate-2 (if any) = bhava-11
Conditions of the second marriage are often framed by narratives of bhava-11, such as economic activity, social networking, distribution linkage, voluntary associations, electronic gridworks, knitting, wage-revenues-profits . Presuming benevolent conditions in bhava-11, the second marriage is typically a friendship that is focused on community connections, economic systems, and marketplace gains. EXAMPLE - 2nd-from-Chandra-Karkata-10 = Simha-11 On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [community-connected Aśleṣa-3] [ātmakāraka] [10, public recognition, familiar-face]
EXAMPLE - 2nd-from-Chandra-Mithuna-10 = Karkata-11 UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand [inventive-pioneering Punarvasu-1] + [Arudra-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Puna]
EXAMPLE [Chandra-Karkata] -- [Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga] -- [Chandra in classroom-10] Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [community-connected Aśleṣa-3]
EXAMPLE [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Magha - Regulus] [Chandra-10] POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland [inventive-pioneering Magha-1] [10, leadership] [Varuna-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Pegasus-4] shows two marriages.
Less benevolent conditions may signal a stressful Learning Pathway for lifelartnership-2. Rahu as second partner can be exciting and challenging. Generally, Rahu in 2nd-from-Chandra-Simha suggests a con-man [or con-woman] of some variety. [See Beatle, paul McCartney]
Ketu as second partner can be disengaged and relaxing Generally, Ketu-Kanya in 2nd-from-Chandra suggests a detached service-oriented helpmate. Unless Shani adds His weight to bhava-11, the Ketu 2nd-spouse may be disengaged from parties, assemblies, and social networking in general. However, Kanya is always ready to serve
Spouse-2 may be friendly, community-oriented, socializing, earnings-focused, marketplace-savvy, identified with collectivity, systematic, scientific, socialite
All about the Revenues EXAMPLE [Budha-Mesha] -- [Budha in bhava-11] Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [optimistic-ideological Revatī-Pashu-1] + [Revatī-Somana-yuti-Surya-Revatī] [Revatī-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Revatī] Budha lagnesha + Budha rules Mithuna-svamsha + ++ [Pegasus-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Varuna]
Naturally, any graha in bhava-11 can profoundly affect the personality expression of life-mate-2. Conditions applying within radical bhava-11 are also definitive of the social-material conditions of the second marriage. Lifepartner-2 is likely to have economic characteristics, such as social-networking skills or fundraising ability.
However, the dominant experience of marriage is emotional. Therefore, the profile of [2nd-from-Chandra] gives what is usually the most important information about the second life-partnership, which is the quality of the emotional experience. The second life-partner = agent of Goal Achievement and Profitable Gains (11). The second life-partnership is emotionally based in friendship while working toward shared goals.
Transition from LifeMate-1 to life-mate-2 The first life-mate is represented by the explicitly home-based and localized bhava-4. The first life-mate has parental, parochial, and patriotic traits which may ground marriage-1 deeply into the place of settlement and provide a stable base for family life. bhava-11 = 8th-from-4th electro-magnetic emotionally Therefore, the second marriage indicates a significant upheaval and forced identity change away from the home-based customs of marriage-1 and toward a new focus upon community, friendship, and social-economic networks-11. Depending on the presence or absence of graha in bhava-11, the second life-partnership may be vigorously goal-achieving (for example, mangala-11). If bhava-11 is unoccupied, the second life-partnership may be more quiet in its expression. Life-partner-2, if any, is indicated through Bhava-11. Life-partner-2 has profitable, goal-achieving qualities. life-partner-2 develops marketplace associations and networks of mutually gainful connections . life-partner-2 may have a social vision of connecting people to increase opportunities for more participants. life-partner-2 attends gatherings, rallies, fayres, and conventions of like-minded folk. EXAMPLE of complications due to ruler-of-11 = [Shani in Bhava-7] [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Hasta] [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Rahu-Hasta] Focus on earnings, funding, social network, achievements [11] One's emotional relationship to life-partner-2 is emotionally similar to one's bond with an elder sibling. life-partner-2 is a mentor and supporter. life-partner-2 is an important part of one's community network and one's path to achievement of goals .
Because bhava-11 = 5th-from-7th-from-indriya-lagna, the overall tenor of the second life-partnership tends to support features of partnership that are romantic, poetic, political, glamorous, charismatic, and favorable toward any children that may be involved regardless of parentage. The bhava-11 lifemate-2 may be a socialite, quite markedly of the people. This mate often understands the plebiscite and has valuable social networking skills, in addition to earnings capacity and basic friendliness. The alliance supports social-and-material achievement, profitability, and accomplishment of aims.
If a nativity featuring Chandra-10 contains indications of a second marriage, it is quite likely that life-partner-2 would be a friend (11) belonging to one's existing linkage network of distributed associations.
Naturally however, if there are growth-challenging graha in bhava-11, the public facade of the second marriage will enact those challenges. If Shani occupies 2nd-from-Chandra, then qualities of age, experience, maturity, and perhaps rigidity may be expected along with a Shani-style dislike of the limelight. Psychic Precursors Second life-partnership may be emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 2nd-from-10th = bhava-11 The psychically anticipated general environment of bhava-11 includes
Life-Mate-3 (if any) = bhava-6
Conditions of the first marriage are often follow a narrative of bhava-6, such as adversarial, ill, conflicted, medicated, criminal, toxic, enslaved, disagreeable, or litigious. Spouse-3 may be ailing, complaining, poor, dissatisfied, exploited, mistreated, betrayed, victimized, accused. Because rogasthāna is a serve-or-suffer vortex, spouse-3 may also take the high road and display a distinguished pattern of offering aid to others, such as medical, military, or social-work. Third lifemate may bear a resemblance to one's father due to spouse-3 = 9th-from-Chandra. For Chandra in bhava-10, third life-partner = an agent of animosity, poverty, illness, or deb . The debt or guilt need not be financial. It may be emotional debt. It may be difficult to establish a sustainable and equitable contract, due to the adversarial and servitude qualities of bhava-6 which = the contract-dissolving 12th-from-7th-from-lagna. EXAMPLE On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [community-connected Aśleṣa-3] [ātmakāraka] [10, public recognition, familiar-face]
Often the third lifepartnership has qualities of social marginalization or inequity in the alliance. Or there can be circumstances which prevent a legal marriage contract from being rendered. Typically lifepartner-3 has an adversarial agenda, perhaps accompanied by diseases or disabilities. Commonly, aworking-class identity. [However with favorable graha, may be a medical or military professional.] The union may suffer from patterns of complaining and grievance, perhaps leading to litigation.
[Chandra in bhava-10] may find oneself unable to fully enjoy a third marriage. Lifepartner-3 may be a medical professional, also law enforcement, military, or criminal attorney with a ministry of service supporting people who suffer from internal and external conflict. Perhaps the third lifemate is very argumentative, or indulges in blaming behaviors. The disharmonies which define the third mate's service environment can infiltrate their personal lives. However, in telligent placement of psychic boundaries can relieve much of this inadvertent toxicity if properly applied. Life-partner-3 indicated through Bhava-6,, signaling potentially unbalanced emotional qualities. However, 6 = 9th-from-10, therefore the couple may align harmoniously on matters of doctrine, belief, and life-principle. Life-partner-3 may experience deep-seated, chronic illness (often digestive or allergic in origin) or possibly profound and irremediable pain. EXAMPLE Kanya-6 third husband with chronic heart condition
.......... Unless there is a corrective drishti upon rogasthana or into the rogesha itself, life-partner-3 tendency to self-medicate. Life-partner-3 is involved with medical, legal, police, or social welfare professions. Care of servants and animals; "helping professions ". Life-partner-3 identifies emotionally as a victim or is committed to professional service of victims. Life-partner-3 self-perceives as an exploited entity albeit providing a service.
EXAMPLE of a powerhouse ari-sthana = marriage grounds a ministry of service to homeland [Karkata-6] [Shani-Karkata] -- [Shani in Bhava-6] [Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Surya-Puna] [Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Budha-Aśleṣa]
Life-partner-3 is an important part of one's experience of internal and external imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, conflict causing and loss of agreement. Psychic Precursors Third life-partnership may be emotionally triggered and sustained by deep memories of 9th-from-10th. The psychically anticipated environment of the third life-partnership may include the typical features of bhava-6
Life-Mate-4 (if any) = bhava-1
Conditions of the fourth marriage are often framed by narratives of bhava-1 such as innovation, new birth, core identity, sport and muscularity, pioneering action, attribute-package identity, joy of direct action, championship, speed, and vigor. Spouse-4 may be physically attuned, personality-identified, forward-moving, competitive In the event of a fourth public marriage, the partnership may be surprisingly compatible due to the roulette wheel having spun to the habitual, soothing, familiar, comfortable [4th-from-Chandra] The 4th lifepartner may be remarkably similar to the native in status-attribute-package personality Likey also, the mate thrives in a similar social-cultural-physical environment. In addition, the fourth marriage may be highly supportive and compatible because for Chandra-10, marriage-4 matches the indriya-lagna kalpasthāna-1 . Alliance-4 focus on Oneself, individuality, physicality, tangible identity, unique style of movement When indicated by other multiple-alliance predictors, and depending on conditions within bhava-1, the fourth lifepartnership is focused upon the native's physical appearance and social identity. Example of complications linked to dissociative [Ketu-1] + taboo-bending Rahu-7 Marriage-4 activates the earthen body , the unique personality, and the Kumbha social identity as a systematic friendly entity. EXAMPLE
The emotionally anchored 4th-alliance = optimized for comfort, routine, security, nourishment, farming, protection, patriotism, schooling, and observance of the rhythmic seasonal calendar Much depends upon the characteristics of any graha located in [4th-from-Chandra] Example of fourth marriage coordinated with a strong Shani-1 in 4th-from-Chandra, indicating the socially important work focus [Shani work] of union-4.
Life-Mate-5 (if any) = bhava-8
Conditions of any fifth marriage are often described by a narrative of bhava-8, such as undisclosed assets, classified information, hidden liaisons Spouse-5 may be particularly influenced by their family (from Chandra-10's perspective, these influencers are one's in-laws) Lifemate-5 is often oriented to discovery, trauma healing, disaster response, sudden unexpected identity changes, revolutionary events, eruptions of force, tax avoidance, and mystical initiations. Spouse-5 may behave in ways characterized as secretive, confidential, tantric, rejuvenating, rebirthing, camouflaged |
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file update = 16-Jan-2025 [Copyright © 1994-2024 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
May all beings venerate life as a state of deep spiritual intimacy. |
" Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end." ~~ 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 13: 4-8 [Jerusalem Bible] |